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- alert_sid.log中有如下报错信息Wed Dec 18 08:25:58 2013***********************************************************************Fatal NI connect error 12537, connecting to: (LOCAL=NO) VERSION INFORMATI 2013-12-23
- 可以使用10046 event来跟踪[oracle@ggos ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Dec 20 19:48:00 2013Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to an 2013-12-23
- 一.说明oracle 的exp/imp命令用于实现对数据库的导出/导入操作;exp命令用于把数据从远程数据库服务器导出至本地,生成dmp文件;imp命令用于把本地的数据库dmp文件从本地导入到远程的Oracle数据库中。二.下面介绍的 2013-12-23
- 对Oracle的数值函数多知道一些还是有好处的,做商业报表类的项目的时候会经常用到。 起码要知道oracle都给我们提供了哪些处理函数,不要到时候需要用的时候却不知道某个函数的存在而导致开发过程绕弯子。今天我就捧 2013-12-21
- 虽然表和索引是最重要、最常用的schema Objects,但是数据库还是很多其他schema objects。其中最常用的都在本章介绍。本章包含下面几小节: middot;Overview of Partitions(分区的概述) middot;Overview of View 2013-12-21
- 695. Identify two options that Oracle recommends while configuring the backup and recovery environment for your recovery catalog. (Choose two.)A. configuring control file autobackup to be ONB. b 2013-12-21
- 699. Your database is using a default temporary tablespace that contains the temp01.tmp temporary file.All the users on the database use the default temporary tablspace. A user issues a query on the 2013-12-21
- 1. 安装与卸载Oracle常用脚本——安装前的配置脚本Oracle常用脚本——卸载RACOracle常用脚本——卸载Grid ControlOracle常用脚本——Agent问题处理脚本2. 配置Oracle常用脚本——Catalog注册Oracle常用脚 2013-12-21
- 686. You execute the following FLASHBACK TABLE command: 2013-12-21
- 现象:RAC环境,数据文件状态变为recover,查看alert日志有如下报错:Wed Jun 26 02:31:03 2013Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 33187 Current log# 1 seq# 33187 mem# 0: #43;TJDISK/tj/onlinelog/gr 2013-12-21
- 586.Consider the following command:Backup database plus archivelog delete input;How many backup sets would be created by this command if the following were true:Control-file auto backups were enable 2013-12-21
- 想实现insert into 当前库表 select 远程库中的表数据这种方式的数据同步,于是配置了一下oracle服务,远程和本地服务都是oracle一、在当前库中插入数据create public database link remotedb connect to usernam 2013-12-21
- 1)某列是字符串查询,如果没有职位,显示‘no position’,如果有,则显示员工的职位select ename,nvl(job,'空') from emp;2)某列是数字用nvl(bonus,0)查询,则当该列数字为null时显示0;用nvl(bonus||‘’,‘ 2013-12-21
- 1. 选用适合的ORACLE优化器 ORACLE的优化器共有3种: a. RULE (基于规则) b. COST (基于成本) c. CHOOSE (选择性) 设置缺省的优化器,可以通过对init.ora文件中OPTIMIZER_MODE参数的各种声明,如RULE,COST,CHOOSE,ALL 2013-12-21
- Why does the number of blocks for the table remain the sale after the shrink operation?A.Because the table did not contain migrated or chained rowsB.Because the row IDs remain the same for all rows 2013-12-21
- 1. /* #43;ALL_ROWS*/表明对语句块选择基于开销的优化方法,并获得最佳吞吐量,使资源消耗最小化.例如:SELECT /* #43;ALL #43;_ROWS*/ EMP_NO,EMP_NAM,DAT_IN FROM BSEMPMS WHERE EMP_NO=’SCOTT’;2. /* #43;FIRST_ 2013-12-21
- 681. The environmental variable ORACLE-BASE is set. You want to check the diagnostic files created aspart of the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR). Vi ew the Exhibit and note the various paramet 2013-12-21
- 最近看了一些关于Oracle的Buffer Cache和Keep Pool的文章,有了一些想法:如果把ArcSDE的图层或索引加载到内存里,会不会提升查询的速度呢?相关的介绍文章如下:http://blog.csdn.net/leshami/article/details/62 2013-12-21
- 现象:节点2主机关停之后,VIP并没有failover到节点一如下所示,在节点一查看,VIP并没有FAILOVER过来。[root@MAA01 ~]# ifconfigeth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr A4:BA:DB:13:E2:ABinet addr: 2013-12-21
- Oracle中merge into的使用1.使用说明:在进行SQL语句编写时,我们经常会遇到需要同时进行Insert/Update的情况 :若存在记录,就更新(Update),若不存在数据,就插入(Insert),这时就会用到merge into.2.Merge into 2013-12-21